Refund Policy

Our Refund Policy

AirEasyTicket is a flight aggregator service that helps you find the best deals on flights from various airlines and travel agencies. We want to make it clear that:

  • AirEasyTicket does not process any financial transactions directly.
  • We do not collect or store any sensitive banking information.
  • All bookings and payments are made directly with the airline or travel agency of your choice.

Refund Process

As AirEasyTicket is not involved in the booking or payment process, we cannot process refunds directly. Refund policies are determined by the airline or travel agency you booked with. If you need to request a refund:

  1. Contact the airline or travel agency directly using the contact information provided in your booking confirmation.
  2. Provide them with your booking reference and explain your situation.
  3. Follow their specific refund process and policies.

Please note that refund policies can vary significantly between different airlines and travel agencies. Some tickets may be non-refundable or may incur fees for changes or cancellations.

Our Commitment

While we cannot process refunds ourselves, we are here to assist you if you encounter any difficulties in contacting the airline or travel agency. Our customer support team can provide guidance and help you find the right contact information if needed.

If you have any questions about this refund policy or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.